Thursday, 17 April 2008

The Mwai Kibaki/Raila Odinga coalition, a significant moment?

The power sharing agreement between Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga may yet serve, not just as the light at the end of the tunnel after what became the darkest hour in post -independence Kenya, but also as a beacon of direction to Leaders of nations with the same turmoil recently faced by Kenya and Kenyans.

It is hoped that the maturity shown by Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga underlines an appreciation of the brink to which nations can come, in the event that injustice, real or perceived, is left to fester unchecked.

It is perhaps very important however, that in order to make this coalition work, Mwai Kibaki will have to be Raila Odinga's new best friend and vice-versa.

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