Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Does Jeremiah Wright's comments serve to unite.. or divide.

As America's Democratic party continues to enthrall with this most interesting of nomination battles [ Clinton Vs Obama], comments made by Jeremiah Wright, Obama's ex-pastor is put in perspective.

It is perhaps without a doubt, that successfully bringing people of different races together in America to achieve the common good, cannot happen without the cold, harsh confronting of the demons of racism and segregation.

.. that, in many ways perhaps is what Jeremiah Wright attempts to achieve in his sermons.

He is however bound as preacher, by the teachings of Christ which exhorts to 'love thy neighbour'..

It is difficult for Jeremiah Wright to subscribe to, and act as a channel for this most essential teaching of Christ when he readily accuses the American Government of deliberately infecting the black population with the AIDS virus, an assertion that is false.. (regardless of what may have happened in the past).

Doing this could only serve to divide rather than unite..

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