Sunday, 3 January 2010

one year on..

The one year anniversary of the war in Gaza prompts a critical look at the Jewish street and its contribution to discuss vis-a-vis the resumption of the Middle East peace process.

Even as the Netanyahu Government expresses a commitment to returning to the negotiating table, there have been a series of demonstrations in Israel against settlement freezes.

These demonstrations are initiated and perpetuated not by the Government of Israel, but by ordinary people.. Jewish people. These are people who have known pain or whose relatives, friends or close acquaintances have known pain..

... One cannot help but romanticise about this nation of people who have known suffering becoming a beacon of hope for the hopeless.. people who would see their collective calling to be a commitment to peaceful co-existence with its neighbours.

.. a commitment that recognises without equivocation how inimical continued settlement expansion is to achieving a viable two state solution..

Given that the general world consensus is for the achieving of a viable Palestinian state existing side by side with a Jewish state, protests against settlement freezes takes something away from the Jewish people...

It chips away at the one weapon in the Jewish State's arsenal greater than all others...

It chips away at the moral high- ground..

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