Tuesday, 3 February 2009

The realities of conflict.

As the war in Gaza has shown, conflict brings in its wake the death of innocents.. a fact that the world needs to face up to, if peace is to be achieved.

The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Sky news also in Britain, made a decision not to air appeals for aid for Palestinian victims of the Gaza war. Their reason? That it could come across as taking sides in the conflict.

This in itself, is a quite simply flawed argument.

The death and displacing of innocent men, women and children in Gaza is very real. The need for help to rebuild their shattered lives is also very real..

Without getting into the justification or not for the war in Gaza, the death of innocents was an inevitability known to all when the possibility of Israeli strikes was still being muted, prior to the start of the war.

It is perhaps best that the world begin to see a consideration for the plight of innocents as a means to shift focus.

Whether war is justified or not should not be what is important. The focus should be on the utter devastation that arises from a lack of peace.

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