Tuesday, 15 July 2008

The Prisoner Swap Conundrum..

The Israeli cabinet's decision to trade a Lebanese Militant for two [quite possibly dead] Israeli soldiers today, and the resultant misgivings expressed by some about giving militants little incentive to keep captured soldiers alive, brings into focus an article written by Adam B. Kushner in the Newsweek of June 16, 2008.

Adam Kushner cites Pidyon shevuyim (The redemption of captives), as well as pressure from mothers of young captured soldiers as reasons for Israeli Government approval of prisoner swaps, in spite of what he sees as the danger inherent in this practice... An overall endangering of the world, as militants capture prisoners to be traded for their own people, who would then ultimately re-offend, sometimes with more devastating consequences than previously.

... A compelling argument, except that like the voices insisting Israel's prisoner swap today is a bad idea, he has not taken his argument into the realm of the urgency to find a just and sustainable solution to the Israel/Palestinian conflict.

... A just and sustainable solution will, in time and with the commitment of all the stake holders, obviate the need for Prisoner -taking and the resultant prisoner exchanges..

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