Thursday 25 June 2009

The People Vs. The "Harare Syndrome".

In response to Morgan Tsvangirai's visit to the U.K, an editorial in The Times newspaper of June 23rd 2009 describes the " Harare Syndrome" with a question: "Is morgan Tsvangirai identifying with his persecutors [Mugabe and his cronies] and turning a pragmatic blind eye to their appalling crimes?"

There is some sense in the thinking in this editorial that giving Zimbabwe the much needed aid requested by Mr Tsvangirai may well serve to continue to perpetuate Robert Mugabe in power..

What the editorial perhaps fails to do is highlight in starker terms, the plight of the ordinary man woman and child on the streets.. a plight made particularly worse by crippling sanctions.

Putting the plight of ordinary Zimbabweans side by side with the anxiety over propping up a dictator and his cronies might well help to proffer best and practical solutions to dealing with the regime without alienating Its people.

Morgan Tsvangirai decided on a power sharing agreement with Robert Mugabe, not to validate Mugabe. He did it for the sake of ordinary Zimbabweans..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

...its as simple as you have put it. While we all agree than Mugabe has been criminal in how he has treated his own people, I hope that one day the people of the UK (and its press) begin to challenge their government on its role in Zimbabwe's predicament.