Yesterday Robert Mugabe and Morgan Tsvangirai finally signed a power- sharing agreement, which should hopefully bring peace to the streets of Zimbabwe and set the country on the path of economic recovery..
Reports have put the inflation rate in Zimbabwe at 11 million percent.. "one of the highest inflation rates ever recorded"..
As far as this power- sharing agreement is concerned, skepticism rightly or wrongly has quickly taken foothold.
Analysts have described the agreement (details of which, are still fuzzy) as "complex" and "confusing"..
Great Britain has pledged to support the recovery of Zimbabwe only in the event that the deal is "faithfully implemented"..
A European Union statement links its [European Union] aid to "reforms"..
The most important thing perhaps is that Robert Mugabe has agreed to share power with Morgan Tsvangirai. . that both Men appreciate that the road will not be easy, but declare that Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans remain the reason why they want to try..
It is understandable, the concerns of the skeptics... however, for the sake of Zimbabwe and Zimbabweans both men perhaps best be actively encouraged through what would be a difficult process..
A 'wait and see' approach that judges, without an honest appreciation of the difficulties, is not the way to go as this approach may not be in the best interest of ordinary Zimbabweans..